The Good Guys is an action comedy television series featuring Dan Stark (Bradley Whitford), who was once the top cop at the precinct in the 80’s but has since been relegated to petty crime investigation with his new partner, Jack Bailey (Colin Hanks), a young, ambitious by-the-book detective who always follows the rules but has an annoying habit of making enemies higher up.
The show airs on FOX every Fridays, 9:00 PM. On the previous episode dated last November 19, Jack and Dan wind up uncovering a major heist involving a shipment of high-profile diamonds while following up on a stolen truck investigation. Meanwhile, tensions rose when Dan discovered that Jack is interviewing for a position on an elite police unit.
On the next episode of the Good Guys, to be aired on December 3, 2010, a ruthless International Affairs investigator re-opens a year-old case in hopes of putting an end to Dan’s irregular police methods. His investigation leads to the release of a deadly gang, hell-bent on murdering the ones who put them away and forcing Jack and Dan to stop them before they succeed. In addition, when a trio of dangerous explosives smugglers Julius snitched on are released from prison early on a technicality, Dan must risk his badge to save Julius's life. Find out if what will happen in this episode. Watch The Good Guys Season 1, Episode 19: Cop Killer online for free.
Expressing the value of partnership and camaraderie, The Good Guys shows how Dan and Jack managed to handle small crimes, though their routine investigations often lead them into bigger cases and even bigger trouble. Watch how they worked hand in hand in every case given to them by the police department. You can watch The Good Guys online at
The show airs on FOX every Fridays, 9:00 PM. On the previous episode dated last November 19, Jack and Dan wind up uncovering a major heist involving a shipment of high-profile diamonds while following up on a stolen truck investigation. Meanwhile, tensions rose when Dan discovered that Jack is interviewing for a position on an elite police unit.
On the next episode of the Good Guys, to be aired on December 3, 2010, a ruthless International Affairs investigator re-opens a year-old case in hopes of putting an end to Dan’s irregular police methods. His investigation leads to the release of a deadly gang, hell-bent on murdering the ones who put them away and forcing Jack and Dan to stop them before they succeed. In addition, when a trio of dangerous explosives smugglers Julius snitched on are released from prison early on a technicality, Dan must risk his badge to save Julius's life. Find out if what will happen in this episode. Watch The Good Guys Season 1, Episode 19: Cop Killer online for free.
Expressing the value of partnership and camaraderie, The Good Guys shows how Dan and Jack managed to handle small crimes, though their routine investigations often lead them into bigger cases and even bigger trouble. Watch how they worked hand in hand in every case given to them by the police department. You can watch The Good Guys online at
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