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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Engrape Financier

I'm Kyle and I'm the number one boplax in grammar but please don't say this to me while this blog is on the roof of Google by the way where are you when we were getting high? On the top of that we have different skills, different tactics, techniques,composure here in Engrape Financier. But anyway just forget about it, let's focus in this revelation on why I'm so dumb in grammar. Are you ready to hear my secret in this craft?

I'm a human article spinner I just type and type any word and anything that happen to came in my mind. I don't need to make sense anyway I'm writing for search engine and not for a human. Actually I have also some article with a great sense and I share it for most of my project but if you can see some wrong grammar and stupid things of mine just because for me in spamming you don't need to spend some thought but reserve this for some important things you wish to do. Like here in Engrape Financier, I have some article that can curve some deep hallow in your mind but there are lots of my article here dispel from my thousand nonsense just to make a link, live some juice and to make another trash on the internet.

In making most of my article, I have a frame for every words, and paragraph and can spit on my post. I can say just to burn out some of 15 minutes for a 300-words article and that will cost for a thousand dollars of our client. While some people prefer to use article spinner, for me my mind is the best spinner ever that I can have even on the midst of the night, thinking for another letter to spin.

But in Engrape financier, I want to make a good article for this contest since this is very important for me. I don't want to compromise the other member or contestant of this contest. Just a simple thoughts from a blogger. Many people would let me down for being poor in English and they questioned me what the hell come to this earth that like me is on the front of this monitor sending my thousand words of nonsense. But on the end I'm stood and asking myself on who is the real nonsense, I, making a nonsense or you spending your time for a nonsense?

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