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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Parents and Speech Therapist at the same Time

Enlisted here are some few tips that anyone can apply when communication with their children, regardless of their level of communication. You can easily teach your child from simply looking in his eyes when speaking will help them follow your example. The best example that suitable for this situation is being a good part of communication which is not only verbal. Practice that as you speak add a facial expressions so they can begin to associate nonverbal expressions as well.

Be patient that is one of the most well known tag line of speech therapist in Los Angeles. In this manner you have given a child a opportunity to speak in turn. You may talk with them and then give them time to respond. They can begin to understand how listening begins and then they can speak as an individual when it is appropriate on their feelings.

You could practice while playing a game. Just as the child needs to wait their turn they also need to wait and speak when appropriate. Don't always point or try and guess what your child is saying right away. Give them some extra time to express themselves and attempt to find the words. Many parents will begin guessing or pointing at what the child wants. Once you identify what the child wants, repeat it with them and practice the words.

Help your child learn to follow verbal instructions. It might be something simple to begin with such as touch your head or blow a kiss. As they progress they can verbally ask you to follow direction. Reading to your child is an effective way for them to learn new words and associate them. Books with images that follow along with the text can be very helpful. You can also ask the child to point out and identify various things in the images.

Give positive reinforcement. The exact pronunciation may not come initially but continue to praise your child for the attempts. You can positively correct them and help them to continue trying. Always look for opportunities to build your child's vocabulary. It might be at the beach, in the car, or at a store. You can find new words and objects to repeat to them.

You can be both parents that practice speech therapy for your child's best resource for improving speech. You are with them countless hours and it only requires the patience to help them learn.

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